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How to use Social Analytics to Engage your Customers!

The Way of The Future According to Statist’s 2017 survey there were around 2.46 billion social media users around the globe with an increase to 2.77 billion projected for 2019. Considering that the Earth’s population sits at around 7.5304 billion ("Number of social media users worldwide 2010-2021", 2018) , that's almost a third of us little people, running around posting, sharing, tweeting and streaming. The impact social media has had on modern life is understandably quite big. It has transformed many industries, for better or worse but today we will be concentrating on the tourism sector and how operators can take advantage of these platforms to engage current and future customers, using analytics or consumer feedback. The vast majority of consumers share their travel experience on social media and understanding and tracking their feedback through things like likes, shares and retweets is important. Social media is communicative and unlike traditional market

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